About Me:
Khurram Arthur has been working with a very well-known and respected pediatrician of Asia. Due to his job with such a well-known child specialist, he has been able to develop great links with well-resourced people of this country which has been very helpful for the progress of the Miracle School Trust. He is serving as the co-founder General Secretary.
The inspiration for me to serve The Miracle School Trust is the Founder President of SOS Children Village Pakistan, Begum Sauriya Anwar. She is the wife of my employer. I was inspired and motivated by the work that she has been doing and then I came to know about the Miracle School Trust. I loved the way the Miracle School Trust serves the orphans, needy, helpless and brick kiln children.”
The rights of children are violated in many ways. Brick kiln children have very miserable and impoverished lives. There are many reasons behind this issue:
Ignorance and lack of appreciation of human rights
The most important is discrimination.
Children are one of the most valuable groups in every community but not in the brick kiln community. Poor parents and owners of brick kilns use these children to repay the debts of the parents. To make matters worse, it is extremely if not impossible to pay off the debts due to unfair and unjust financial calculations. The children suffer spiritually and physically. The solution of helping such children out of slavery and impoverished living is education. I saw that the Miracle School Trust was transforming the lives of such children through education. So I have joined the Miracle school Trust as co-founder General Secretary with both the ladies and I have been serving this community in this capacity since 1999.